CeleraPro held its annual end of the year meeting / celebration. In response to COVID19 concerns, the event was held via Zoom. It began with CeleraPro business: successes in 2020 to be proud of and expectations for2021, led by Chuck Steele, Director of Programs. Dr. Perini followed with the announcement of a bonus for allGSA staff which set the mood for the rest of the meeting. A Not-Secret “Your-the-Santa” gift non-exchange followed where staff opened gifts they got for themselves. Awards were given for ugliest sweater, funniest gift,and for most enthusiastic gift opening. Dr. Perini began the gift non-exchange by opening a gift bag to find a large glass of Borolo wine. Chuck excitedly revealed a figurine of the Beatles that he always wanted. The award for funniest gift went to Tonee McCarden who convinced all of us that the cardboard box with the air holes on the side was a puppy, when in fact it was a Snoop Doggy-Dogg Cook Book. Alexis Taylor won the award for ugliest sweater, but there were a few runners-up. Helena Montfort won the award for most enthusiastic with her unbridled, gushing, over-the-top excitement about a box of Starbucks K-cups. All three awardees received a Deed of Title for one acre of land on the planet Mars with a Map and information about how to get there. The three will be neighbors. The annual meeting / celebration ended with the worst version of Jingle Bells anybody has ever heard. If anybody recorded it, it might be considered for use as an enhanced interrogation technique. Everybody had a good timeand several proclaimed it to be the best Zoom Holiday Meeting ever. So Happy Holidays to the entire CeleraPro family and Best Wishes for a happy and healthy 2021. Cheers!